Art representation
Begins Here
Creative Framing is looking for exceptional artists to show in the gallery to our patrons.
Art representation
Begins Here
Creative Framing is looking for exceptional artists to show in the gallery to our patrons.
“The frame
is the reward
for the artist”
Edgar Degas
Submission Requirements
Most frequent questions and answers
The Process
The gallery team will check out your website or look at your attached images. Once a match is determined you will be invited for a get-to-know-you meeting with the gallery owner or gallery’s art curator. You will be requested to bring up to 5 pieces of your art for a closer look.
What to expect at the meeting:
- Introduction
- Tour of the facility
- History of the business / gallery
- Gallery's percent commission
- Art show Admission
- Participation fee
- Sales Commission Rate
- Sales Payment Monthly Schedule
Art Show Schedule
We schedule 5 Art Shows per year featuring four artists per show for two months.
Each art show coincides with the Louisville’s First Friday Art Walk, which runs from February through December.
- March / April
- May / June
- September / October
November / December
(through 2 weeks of January)
The gallery provides the featured artists with two receptions per art show – opening reception and a closing reception.
We Accept. . .
- Oil paintings, watercolor, pastel, acrylic, mixed media, etc.
- Sculptures, glass art, ceramics
- Fine Jewelry, wearable art
Exclusivity Notice
If you are interested in exhibiting at one of our shows, we request that you refrain from exhibiting at any other venues within a 20-mile radius for 4 months prior to the show.